CardioScape is a survey of the European cardiovascular research landscape and recommendations for future transnational research strategy. CardioScape aims to establish a reliable, comprehensive and continuously up-to-date online database of CVD funding throughout Europe useful for researchers, scientific organisations and funding agencies. It should guide the future of CVD research in Europe, and encourage synergies and cooperation, reduce duplication of efforts and identify gaps and priorities that need attention from funding organisations. CardioScape II has been funded by ERA-CVD, a European Research Area Network (ERA-Net) comprising 24 partners from 19 countries/regions that has been granted for funding through the current EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation ‘Horizon 2020'.
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European Society of Cardiology (Brussels Office)
European Heart Agency
29 square de Meeus, 4th Floor B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 (0)2 274 10 76 - Paola Thellung (Cardioscape Project Manager)