Data processing and compiling

The data received via questionnaire, email or download was reformatted and unified.

Funding data collected during CardioScape I and during CardioScape II was merged and duplicate projects were removed. Projects consisting of annual subprojects including identical project title and PIs were joined to whole projects with the respective duration over several years.

Database tables are generated for funding agency and funded projects related data to avoid huge redundancies and to ease later updates on the data.

To achieve comfortable access to the database, views for the grouping and joining of project-, funding agency- and country-related data were implemented. 

The funded amount is always in Euro. If the original value was in another currency, the funded amount has been converted in Euro, according to the official conversion rate of the first day of the year of the starting of the project.


Funded projects are classified by using an adaptive text analysis software to a CV-research taxonomy, integrating existing schemes from ESC journals and congresses.

Automatic classification of the funded projects will use the CardioScape Taxonomy with further developments of the methodology. For example, information on investigators in projects can improve establishment of Europe wide cooperation or consortia and would allow tracking of publications back to the original funding sources. 

Projects are classified into “basic”, “clinical” and “epidemiological” research, topics and subtopics will be assigned, and keywords for each project assigned in a coherent approach. 

The classification is performed by the ESC-Charité Team and may differ from the internal classifications of each funding agency. 

Data analyses 

The data analyses and graphs presented in this website are performed with the available data. When comparing with other countries or funding agencies, we may take in consideration that data from some funding agencies is missing.